Bonus Grounding Presenter

Meet Jane Hightower ⟫ Georgia, US

BA, HTCP, HTCI-R, Life Force Intelligence Healing, Reiki Master, Universal Shaman Journey, Past Life Exploration 

Jane grew up as an “Army Brat” living in Japan, France, and Taiwan as well as many places in the US, but feels her true adventures began when she started teaching Healing Touch in 1992. Trained by Janet Mentgen and the core instructors, she was the 11th person to be certified as a Healing Touch Practitioner and Instructor.

She was a manager for St. Joseph Hospital in Augusta, GA for 21 years, and the Volunteer Coordinator for Heartland Hospice of Augusta. She found another outlet for supporting women 35 and older in working as the Executive Literary Editor for Kougar Magazine, a cyber magazine.

Jane authored a book on the healing properties of stones - Stone Empowerment: A Resource for Both the Beginner and the Adept and a children’s book The Adventures of Homer the Rabbit. She taught Healing Touch Levels 1-3 for 31 years, and teaches Life Force Healing, Stone Empowerment, Reiki, and Shaman Journey classes, and has a nationwide distant private practice. She is an energy healer for rescued wolfdogs and wolves at Apex Protection Project (see their Face Book page or


2023-1-24 Jane (002)

Bonus Presentation:

1- Learn a Quick & Easy Chakra Clearing

2- Healing at a cellular level with Life Force Intelligence Healing 


30-Minute Discovery & LFIH Session


Receive a 30-minute discovery and Life Force Intelligence Healing session with Jane for a DONATION to HTWF!

Jane is donating her time and expertise to HTWF to support our vision of Advancing Healing Touch.

Event donation: $40               

The event donation link will be included within Jane's  presenation module.

Grounding presentation available through Dec 31/24